
Archive for March, 2007

Blog goes mobile!

March 31st, 2007 No comments

I added a new plugin for the blog which makes the blog mobile friendly. You can now browse the website using your PDA.

Categories: General Tags:

Super Grandma!

March 31st, 2007 No comments

Okay… this is something … different!

Categories: Fun Stuffs Tags:

The upcoming new version of Standard C++

March 31st, 2007 No comments

Its been almost a decade since the c++98 standard was released and more than 2 decades since the first release of C++ made by Bjarne Stroustrup. The new highly anticipated C++0x is under development. Many new features are expected to be seen. Nevertheless, the new standard will be 100% compatible with the old c++98 standard codes. Therefore, it will be the same C++ we all know for many years, but more facility will be added to improve the language. There will be improvement on core language, but mostly on the library. There will also be more support for threading and smart pointers. However, smart pointers will be supported only through the standard library (as been said so far). Even more improvement in generic programming when developing the language which can be called ‘concept’. Developers are trying their best to include garbage collector with the C++0x compiler as compulsory rather than being compiler optional like in C++98. Many informations are available in the following URLs:

Categories: Flash/ActionScript/Flex, Myself Tags:

A tip for newbies in data structure design

March 30th, 2007 No comments

Memory is cheap, it is not a priority for developers anymore. However, developers trys their best to avoid as much as possible to reserve extra memory for their programs, sometimes it can’t be helped when performance is needed more. When more performance needed, more memory is needed. Speed and memory are vise versa. To increase speed of a program you need extra memory from the RAM. For example, using double linked list is much faster than single linked list, but double linked list reserves extra memory for the extra link each node will have. You don’t have to go through the whole list again to search for a prevoiuse node if its a single linked list. You just use the previouse link and increase the speed of the program.

Look at the following C++ code:

typename <Item class>class node
   int nodeNumber;
   <Item> data;
   node *next;

For double linked list node you have to add an extra pointer for previouse node:

typename <Item class> class node
   int nodeNumber;
   <Item> data;
   node *next;
   node *previous;

Categories: My Writings, Programming Tags:

How Not to Get Your Butt Kicked

March 30th, 2007 No comments

Now its Chris Rock, this is funny, prepare to laugh

Categories: Fun Stuffs Tags:

Adobe is going to release Flash CS3! Cool…

March 30th, 2007 No comments

Adobe CS3
A new era of web and graphic design is about to unfold. The new version of Adobe Creative Suit 3 will be commercially available soon. Flash CS3 is about to come out with its many new features which makes me even more happy.. importing photoshop and ai files, convert the motion to an actionscript code, and ActionScript 3 ofcourse.

Many new programs are coming up this year. Too hard to keep up with all those new releases, my goal is to learn javascript deeper, actionscript 3, studying college materials, practicing Max 3D, adding more materials for my website, and again study my college lessons. I still need to learn the new version of Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Flex Builder. I am also aiming to learn Adobe Apollo, the new program to combine all my web development skills. Adobe Apollo is still under developed and the alpha version is out.

Now its time to buy new books which will cost me a fortune 🙁 .

How CDs/DVDs are made?

March 30th, 2007 No comments

Categories: General, Tech market Tags:

Farting in public… that's disgusting!.. maybe for some

March 26th, 2007 No comments

Categories: Fun Stuffs Tags:

ICPC.. Poles win at ACM programming contest!

March 20th, 2007 No comments

Congratulation to Poles, University of Warsaw who won the Association for Computer Machinery’s International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) world finals this year on Tokyo. Warsaw solved 8 and won the ACM ICPC champoinship again. China got the second place (solved 7 problems) and Russia got third place after solving 6 problems. Congratulation to all those teams. Good luck for all the rest for next year.

There were 6,099 teams from around the globe, only 88 teams were qualified for finals. The main sponsore of the ACM ICPC is IBM for many years now.

I had participated on ACM ICPC Arab region, but unfortunately we lost to the 13th place. I’ll work hard this year to get a good rank in next year… I hope so!

Open Cermony area

Categories: Programming Tags:

We can't see many stars at night anymore!

March 13th, 2007 No comments

Ever wondered why you can’t see much stars at night? When I turned on my radio today on the car a BBC-Arabic program on the radio got my attention. They were speaking about light pollution. I got totally shocked when I heared that we can’t see much stars at night anymore because I never noticed that. Many consequences happened because of that. I think its time some buildings owner should think about turning off the lights at night when there is nobody working there.

Categories: General Tags: