Flex's 1 year anniversary!
For whoever care, 2 days ago was Flex 2 anniversary! It has been 1 year since Flex 2 was released on 28th June 2006.
For whoever care, 2 days ago was Flex 2 anniversary! It has been 1 year since Flex 2 was released on 28th June 2006.
My beloved game, Metal Gear Solid!
Finally my two books from amazon arrived yesterday! I ordered four books two weeks ago from amazon.com, and two of them arrived yesterday which are Worx’s Adobe Flex 2 Professional and ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook. I can’t wait to read it.
Three weeks ago I had a week off. It’s the week between second semaster and summer. I finished reading two books on that week (I wish I had more of these weeks), which are Friends of ED The Essential Guide to Flex 2 With Actionscript 3.0 by Charles E. Brown, and Principles of Beautiful Web Design by Jason Beaird.
The Flex book is pretty good for Flex starters, but it isn’t good enough for advanced users and for reference. The web design books is about what you should think about before designing a web page. However, you don’t need any experience on designing a web page to read the book before begining to design a website. In addition, the book is very good for web design experts. It describes some concept which doesn’t cross your mind even after years of experience on designing web pages. It goes deep to talk about the concept of layout design, colors, fonts, and textures… etc.
What’s next?
Well, I’m currently reading two books and already half the way throught the first book. The first one is Object Oriented PHP Concept and Code by Peter Lavin which talks about OOP way to code on PHP5. Inspit of my experience on PHP4, this book is pretty good for who wants to upgrade to PHP5 and design web systems that uses OOP heavly. The second book (Still at early stages) is Foundation Actionscript 3.0 Making Things Moves by Keith Peter.
I have been reading lesser last two week because summer semaster is consuming alot of my time. I hardly can find enough time to read. However, I’m also playing some games (as always) but just few hours a week. I can’t wait to finish these books to start reading what I ordered from amazon!! (There are still two books I preordered on the way! damn!).
Since I love Metal Gear Solid games I would like to show you something I found on youtube!
Believe it or not! it like what the title says!.. I was shocked today when our Teaching Assistance on Algorithms class said that the binary search tree algorithm we are using for decades has a bug found last year!
Recall this: mid = (low + high) / 2;
Its part of many algorithms, for few decades we were using this line of code on our programming lines and algorithms. Unfortunately, many programmers had missed this mistake. The bug is when you add both integers together and resulted an integer value higher than the max possible values of integer, the value becomes a negative value!
More information click here!
OnFlex realeases a new video interviews Tinic Uro, a flash player engineering working with flash player team. Click here to watch the video.
In last few days, Adobe announced that Apollo is now named AIR which stands for Adobe Integrated Runtime. At the same time, Adobe released a beta version of AIR.
On the other hand, Adobe has released flash player update. You can read about the update here.