
Archive for March, 2008

Google Turns its Light Off

March 31st, 2008 1 comment

Sydeny, Chicago, Manila and many other cities have turned its light off at March 29th, 8pm. But Google in unexpected move has turned off its light at homepage.

Google Earth Hour 2008

Google users in the United Kingdom will notice today that we “turned the lights out” on the homepage as a gesture to raise awareness of a worldwide energy conservation effort called Earth Hour. As to why we don’t do this permanently – it saves no energy; modern displays use the same amount of power regardless of what they display. However, you can do something to reduce the energy consumption of your home PC by joining the Climate Savers Computing Initiative.


Categories: Tech market Tags:

Video: The Kings of Youtube

March 29th, 2008 No comments

Categories: Fun Stuffs Tags:

Video: Music using ONLY sounds from Windows XP and 98!

March 28th, 2008 No comments

Categories: Fun Stuffs Tags:

OpenSocial Has Been Formed!

March 27th, 2008 No comments

Google, Yahoo, and MySpace announced today the formation of OpenSocial Foundation. It is a move to help web developers build better social applications using OpenSocial API.

In my opinion, I think this is a big step towards Web 3.0 as some predicts that the World Wide Web will be seen as a single database in the web 3.0 era.

Earth Hour 2008

March 26th, 2008 No comments

Global warming is a danger issue we are facing on earth. All of us, including you, we are contributing in the destruction of earth with our daily life. We all feel the change in the climate but poor countries as in mid-Africa are mostly affected by the climate change. Hell, now its is spring and the temprature is about 40 Celius here in Kuwait.

I’m taking part in Earth Hour 2008 and I strongly recommend all of you to do the same.

Turn off your light at 8pm for an hour in March 29

For more information about the event, visit my personal web page of Earth Hour 2008. And here’s a video about Earth Hour 2008:

Categories: General, Myself Tags:

Microsoft Technology Day in Kuwait

March 23rd, 2008 No comments

Hey ya’ll cool dudes out there. Microsoft is gonna provide us cool educational sessions about some of its new products.

Categories: Others Tags:

Video:Where the Hell is Matt?

March 22nd, 2008 No comments

Best video ever! He is a programmer btw 😀

Categories: Fun Stuffs Tags:

Happy Mother's Day

March 21st, 2008 No comments

So you did something special for your mother? Bought a flower? Built a statue? Kidnapped the president?

Whatever you did I hope it pleased her 🙂

Categories: General Tags:

Google Releases Language Translation API

March 21st, 2008 No comments

While doing my daily shifts in the World Wide Web and buzzering out of world class music with my surrounding sound system dancing all around my desk, I cracked out of my seat – again while still in music mood – with great news from Google jumping of my screen. That thing that came out my screen, that tiny little piece of text, that title is “Google Releases Language Translation API”.

The language API supports many languages such as Arabic, Chinese, France, Russian, and Korean and of course English. As clearly as their announcement is, it support 12 languages and cover 29 translation pairs and it is extremely easy to use for programmers.

For more information on how to use the API, you can check out the official documentation here. Be advised, it is made for Javascripters.

Categories: Ajax, Programming, Tech market Tags:

Video: Women Win 99.99% of all Fights

March 21st, 2008 2 comments

Categories: Fun Stuffs Tags: