
Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Aramex Shop And Ship vs DHL EasyShop vs Posta Plus MyBox – Who’s the fastest?

August 14th, 2018 No comments

I buy a lot of things online and mostly overseas using different shipping forwarders from different countries. Each one of them has their own pros and cons.

So one day I decided to find out who’s faster and cheaper and here’s my findings on a shipment I’ve made on on the same day, and to be delivered at the same day to DHL, Aramex, and PostaPlus.

The time it took to forward and deliver a parcel to home from USA

All shipments are light, and less than 0.5 kg (~1 lb). For PostaPlus and DHL you would need to consolidate the shipment before it begins the forwarding process. On both cases I’ve consolidated the shipments as soon as I’ve received the email notification about the reception of the shipments.

Shipment CourierDate Delivered To CourierDate Record Created by CourierDate DeliveredShipment Weight (by courier)Paid To Courier
No. of Days
DHL Easy Shop2 August 20182 August 20185 August 20180.12 kg5.53 KWD3
Aramex Shop & Ship (Flex)2 August 20183 August 20189 August 20181.05 lbs (Should be ~0.9!!)4.35 KWD7
PostaPlus MyBox2 August 20182 August 201811 August 20180.1 kg3.3 KWD9

So basically the higher you pay the faster it gets delivered generally.

There could be many factors that affect shipment speed and without knowing them all, making a very brief comparison might not give you the best idea of what’s gong on. But anyhow this will give you a rough idea with the included tracking information included on the links.

Just need to clarify that’s my experience and your experience could be different.

Categories: General Tags:

My Personal Saga, The ACM Student Chapter of Kuwait University – Part (3) – The i7 Seminar and the Open Day

August 3rd, 2010 No comments

Intel i7 Processor Architecture Seminar

Intel--Poster--IMG[3]The Intel i7 seminar was another successful even conducted by the chapter at May 18th, 2009 in building 20kh in Khaldiya. The seminar was presented by Naeem Hamami from Intel talking about the i7 architecture which was not yet released yet that time. He also talked about the market availability of the i7 processor and ended the session with Q&A and some prizes were given away at the end.

Attendance was moderate with about two scores of attendees. The feedback I received from Intel is that the computer engineering students were smart and most of the questions asked during the session were technical questions that needed a specialized engineer to answer their questions.


Entertainment Day

OpenDayIt’s an open day with lots of entertaining activities throughout the day at March 5th, 2009. Here’s a list of some of the activities we had:

  • Playstation 3 football competition for guys
  • Missing words competition
  • Wii game for the gals
  • Barbeque lunch
  • Pottery Trappings
  • Table Tennis
  • Movie night with popcorn
  • Live football match



Hundreds of students participated in some way to the event. The most excited activity was the pottery trappings were many gals participated. The picture on the left shows potteries that were completed.









The last activity was the movie show Bolt in building 20kh. Popcorns and soft drinks were handed out to the audience. Some students brought their families which was awesomely the first time families interacted with us.

After the movie, we handed out prizes for the winners of our activities and competitions.

Kuwait is Now Officially Punched

April 13th, 2008 No comments

I never ever witnessed such a storm in Kuwait! Watch until the end of the video and you’ll be shocked. It happened last Friday! Watch the video:

Me and my teammate are suppose go out that night and take some video shots of pollution in our environment for the Imagine Cup competition. Well, it came right on us like hell. Shit, I never imagine something like this can hit Kuwait! So I picked up the phone and called my teammate to take a video shot.

Mother nature is pissed! What have we done? What have we done! Climate change is affecting the whole world, even here in Kuwait.

This storm lasted for like 10min but lots of damage left behind. Next year, maybe a freaking tsunami hurricane or maybe volcano! Who knows! Shit happens when it is unexpected.

More videos of the storm can be found here.

Categories: General, Myself Tags:

Earth Hour 2008

March 26th, 2008 No comments

Global warming is a danger issue we are facing on earth. All of us, including you, we are contributing in the destruction of earth with our daily life. We all feel the change in the climate but poor countries as in mid-Africa are mostly affected by the climate change. Hell, now its is spring and the temprature is about 40 Celius here in Kuwait.

I’m taking part in Earth Hour 2008 and I strongly recommend all of you to do the same.

Turn off your light at 8pm for an hour in March 29

For more information about the event, visit my personal web page of Earth Hour 2008. And here’s a video about Earth Hour 2008:

Categories: General, Myself Tags:

Happy Mother's Day

March 21st, 2008 No comments

So you did something special for your mother? Bought a flower? Built a statue? Kidnapped the president?

Whatever you did I hope it pleased her 🙂

Categories: General Tags:

What would you do in this madness?

March 13th, 2008 3 comments



Okay, Wednesday (March 12, 2008) was hell of a day. I had to do 4 things in 1. As the picture explains either attend Microsoft 2008 Launch Day event, IT seminar by Eng Manar AlHashash, go in a meeting schedule with my “Super Coder” team mates in Kuwait Science Club, or read my feeds (It can be delayed though, it got delayed).

I finally decided not to go to the meeting since my team mates can do it without me. I also had to skip half of the Microsoft event because I HAD to attend a seminar that we organized it. So my Schedule went like this:

8:00am – 9:15am: Electronics lecture

9:15am – 9:45am: Wasted time waiting for my friend Hassan who forgotten to charge his cell phone! He called me 30min late telling me that he went home after lecture to recharge the phone and call me! So I told him to meet me and Mohammed Ghazall in the event area.

10:10am – 11:45am: Attended Developer Track seminar titled “Break Through Challenges with Visual Studio 2008”.

12:30pm – 2:45pm: I.T seminar in campus.

3:10pm – 3:30pm: McDonalds! Me and Mohammad.

3:45pm – 5:15pm: Attended the Microsoft event in seminar titled “IIS 7 for the Developer” and “Raffle Draw/ Closing”. Funny that my supervisor Dr. Thalaya Al-Fozan won a prize on the draw, but he wasn’t there so they canceled it.

5:45pm – 7pm: Arrived late to my CCNA-2 class.

7:30pm – 8:30pm: Finally at home, extremely exhausted and wasted. Catching my breath and getting ready for whatever comes next.

8:30pm – 2:30am: Done my homework and studies.

3:00am – 6:30am: Sleeping… sleeping… sleeping…

Wednesday… What a day eh?… truly hell of a day!


What’s the point of this post? None… just wanted to write something.

Categories: General, Myself, Others Tags:

Kuwait University Imagine Cup Team

March 13th, 2008 No comments

I have been busy lately with many projects and stuff I’m doing as you can see the number of post in my blog has been reduced in last couple of months. One of the things I’m working on is Imagine Cup competition which will be held soon. We have named our team “Super Coders” which was suggested by me :). I always wanted name my team with that name since the ICPC competition which was named by our Coach… sadly. There are two teams from Kuwait University and the name of the other team is “Superlevelers”.

Our team
Designed by Amtar (c) 2008

My team partners are Hassan and Amtar and we are all authunsiase toward the competition. We are working hard to get it done in short time period because we have started the real work 2 weeks ago and we got about 1.5 week to submit the written proposal. We have implicitly divided our work and it seem that our team is working good and coherently. Amtar has been visiting various institution and companies to collect information about the project we are working on. Hassan is reading and following up whatever information Amatar finds and helps her. And I have been trying to get done with learning SilverLight as our project will heavily depends on it. Not to mention that I have to read/learn every information they collect. Me and Hassan are also currently working in the written proposal.

Categories: General Tags:

I'm going Twitter

March 7th, 2008 No comments

I have decided to Twitter in my blog and I’ll keep updating it with what I’m doing. It is in the right sidebar of the blog and I hope you guys like it.


I can update what I’m doing by mobile phone sms, email, Google talk, or by which is really convenient. I think I’m going to use talk indoors mostly and sms if I’m outside somewhere.

Categories: General, Myself Tags:

Test Post Using Microsoft Live Writer

March 7th, 2008 No comments

This is a test post… I’m using Microsoft Live Writer.

Categories: General Tags:

Video: Israel Killed a 5 Month Old Baby

March 7th, 2008 No comments

In a nutshell: Israel bombard his home which collapsed over his family. His baby got killed… it is really hard even for me to keep my tears…

Categories: General, Politics Tags: