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2007 in Review – Part 10

<< Part 9
Best Blog

I’m registered to hundreds of RSS feeds from many blogs. The blogosphere is expanding and more blogs are showing up daily. However, I usually read IT and Tech blogs, therefore, I’m gonna select the best blog of them all… Aral Balkan’s blog. I had fun reading his blog and I really wish him best of luck with his SWX project.

Best Poddy Cast

I always check for any updates for a several podcast I watch or listen. Hansel Minutes is really informative podcast with all the programming related shows I love it so much, and also GeekBrief.tv is one of the best video casts out there for computer gadgets nerds. In addition, PHP Abstract is a nice to listen to podcast for PHP developers. I really love to listen to Hansel Minutes and I enjoy it most of the time so I’m going to select it as the best podcast of the year!

Best Anime

Gundam? Bleach? Death Note? No, it goes to Romeo x Juliet. Shakespeare’s love and drama story turned into animation. The combination of love, sad, war, poor, and commitment all together in an innovative way to create a fantastic story. This story truly deserves our attention…

Funniest Website

Web2announcer.com. I don’t know about the rest of you but I see it’s a funny website because if you are using Internet Explorer, there is a warning message at the top: “Warning: You are using Internet Explorer”. LOL I’m really silly!

Warning using IE!

Best Video

Funnies video is the BBC news error. They interviewed a Taxi driver rather than an IT expert. The funniest of all is that the Taxi driver managed to give good answers!!!!!!!

But the best video goes to “Here Comes Another Bubble – The Richter Scales”!

If you like the last video, you might like this one and this too.

Next… Part 11 the last part.. I swear!

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